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Rescue Work

Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasangh is also working towards the rescue work in Sahyadri mountains. There are plenty of individuals and organizations who are trained and qualified in mountaineering skills currently working for ‘search and rescue’ work during accidents in remote hilly regions or even during natural calamities.

There is a state level coordination center which is recognized by AMGM for the speedy rescues in mountains of Maharashtra. The motive behind setting up MMRCC is to create a well-organized body which can quickly locate the casualty location, connect with the local mountaineers & rescue volunteers, police station & ambulance, offer first aid treatment and rescue the victim to a nearest medical aid speedily.

AMG has formed a Mountain Rescue Committee which actively coordinate the rescue work across the state. 

Following are the Advisory committee members :
1. Padmakar Gaikwad – Khopoli
2. Sunil Gaikwad – Lonawala
3. Ganesh Gidh – Lonawala
4. Rahul Meshram – Mumbai
5. Sunil Bhatia – Mahabaleshwar
6. Ashish Mane – Pune
7. Sachin Gaikwad – Pune
8. Dayanand Koli – Nasik
9. Santosh Jagtap – Nasik
10. Santosh Dagade – Karjat
11. Sachin Shinde – Panvel

AMGM also recognizes and facilitates the rescue work done by several other individuals, mountaineering clubs and organizations in Maharashtra. 


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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

for Safety during Search / Rescue Ops

Rescue operation during incidents of accidents or natural calamities in the mountains (Sahyadri’s / Maharashtra) are carried out by “MMRCC” created by “Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasangh”. MMRCC (Maharashtra Mountaineers Rescue Coordination Centre) is a 24×7 HelpLine which operates to provide speedy rescue and assistance to accident victims in the hilly and remote areas of Maharashtra through trained and certified Mountaineers / Volunteers & Clubs.

The Volunteers and Organizations do the Search & Rescue work spontaneously, with a sense of duty, selflessly without any expectations and by spending from their own pockets for all rescue related expenses. Similarly, “Rescue Committee” of AMGM operates to address the difficulties faced by volunteers & organizations which are doing the rescue work. Across Maharashtra many Clubs & volunteers participate in such rescue operations.

It was need of the time that a SOP should be prepared by the Rescue Committee of AMGM, which would act as an guideline to ensure that the rescue work is carried out systematically in an organized manner, is technically correct and also ensures safety of the volunteers during the rescue operation. A drafting committee was formed in February-2022 for this task which comprised of Umesh Zirpe, Hrishikesh Yadav, Ashok Pawar Patil, Dhananjay Madan, Padmakar Gaikwad, Vishwesh Mahajan, Santosh Jagtap and Rahul Meshram.

Mr. Ashok Pawar Patil put in extra efforts to prepare the draft copy of the SOP, taking into consideration the perspective & opinions of the draft committee members. After studying the draft followed by group discussion sessions, the committee finalized the SOP. The SOP will be useful as a guideline for organizations & volunteers doing rescue work as well as for organizers, participants & general public.

AMGM expects that all the volunteers & organizations who are doing rescue work in Maharashtra / Sahyadri’s to make use of these SOP guidelines for safety of all involved during search & rescue operations. If anyone has any suggestions regarding these guidelines then please feel free to write to us at the email id mentioned below.

Finally we would like to thank Mr. Ashok Pawar Patil and all draft committee members for their valuable contribution in making of this SOP guidelines.

Padmakar Gaikwad,
Coordinator, State Level Rescue Committee
Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasangh

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