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Rock-Climbing Practice at Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Since the year 2012, Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasangh (AMGM) has been actively involved in making Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), Borivali available to rock climbers to practice and enhance their skills. In the year 2014, AMGM held various meetings with Forest Dept officials. In 2015, AMGM was successful in seeking official permission for rock climbing practice for one year. After the one year period ended, AMGM again tried to renew the permission in 2016. On 1st October 2018, AMGM wrote to the Forest Dept seeking the permission for the practice. In the meanwhile, for a few years, climbers were visiting SGNP Gandhi Tekdi for practice but the activity tapered off. In order to revive the activity again, AMGM started the efforts in the year 2020 and held meetings with various officials at Forest Dept. The officials were very cooperative and showed lot of interest in getting the activity started again. In the various meetings, formalities were worked out and on 3rd March 2021, AMGM was officially informed by Forest Dept officials that the permission was granted.

At present, Rock-climbing practice is permitted at Gandhi Tekdi. Certain rules and regulations are to be followed and a one-time registration of every climber is necessary. As of now, only the members of mountaineering clubs/organisations are allowed to practice. Mountaineering Clubs in Mumbai can avail this facility. Individuals who are not affiliated to any club/organisation should approach any Mountaineering club for membership.

The Mountaineering clubs as well as the individual climber will have to submit a declaration in duplicate at the time of registration. Formats of both these declarations are attached. After registration, for each visit, every climber will have to pay Rs. 120/- (Rs. 70/- as SGNP entry fee + Rs. 50/- as Rock-climbing practice fee). There is a paid parking facility available at the Borivali main gate at the SGNP. Private vehicles are not allowed inside SGNP. One can walk or cycle up Gandhi Tekdi to reach the rock climbing site. Please follow the attached SOP and other rules. Kindly note that, the entry time is between 08.30 am to 12.00 noon only and the exit time has to be before the closure time as prescribed by the SGNP authorities. At present, Rock-climbing practice is allowed only on Sundays.

Please download the following documents:

SOP and Safety Guidelines

Format of Declaration to be given by Mountaineering Clubs/Organisations

Format of Declaration to be given by the Rock Climber

For registration details and/or any help, please contact:

  1. Mr. Prakash Walvekar +91-9821194373
  2. Mr. Milind Joshi +91-9082892395

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