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About Us

Mountaineering is a one of the best sport in the world. There is no bar for participating in Trekking activities. Anyone can take part in this Sport as per his interest and ability.
Most importantly it keeps fit both body and mind and make mind sensitive for nature and social responsibilities.
Therefore, Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasang looks at Trekking and Mountaineering as one of the best medium of creating a National Character amongst our citizens.

Akhil Maharashtra Giryarohan Mahasangh (AMGM) is an apex organization for mountaineering in the Maharashtra State. It has been founded in 1991 with the vision to Promote, Develop, Spread and Progress of Trekking and Mountaineering in the State. It is aslo aimed to create a State-Level platform for overall development of mountaineering organizations and mountaineers.
It also monitors speedy rescue and relief work performed by trained and certified mountaineer-rescuer in hilly and remote region of Maharashtra.

AMGM is registered under The Bombay Public Trust Act with Society Registration No. MAH-BOM-107/91 GBBSD | Public Charitable Trust Reg. No. F- 14892

The primary objective of AMGM is to promote trekking, mountaineering, and adventure sports. The organization aims to take trekking, mountaineering, and adventure sports to the last mile in consort with creating a healthy and fair atmosphere for all the stakeholders of the aforementioned sections.

AMGM acts as a bridge between the adventure organizations and policymakers (government administration). It understands the word of on-field contributors of trekking, mountaineering, and adventure sports fields and, on other hand, participates with government administrators to form, enhance, and regulate the policies related to the trekking, mountaineering and adventure sports fields.

AMGM is structured in two tiers, Clubs and district committees at the foundation and a state-level panel as the paramount regulators.
The nominated representative members of clubs and district committees form a state-level general body of AMGM which appoints the office bearers’ panel as the regulators. The panel is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of AMGM.

Highlights of AMGM work:

  • Actively involved in framing first ever Adventure Sports Policy of Maharashtra Govt in 2010.
  • Intervening Application of AMGM accepted by Hon Mumbai High Court in PIL on framing guidelines for Trekking and Mountaineering activities by Govt. As per the directives of Court, AMGM was involved in framing Guidelines by State.
  • AMGM was involved in framing policy and norms for Shivchhatrapati Adventure Sport Awards for the State.
  • AMGM has also contributed for framing GR for Adventure Sports in the State.
  • Supported and monitored rescue and relief work conducted across the state. Maharashtra Mountaineering Rescue Co-ordination Center (MMRCC), a 24X7 helpline for speedy rescue in a hilly and remote region is effectively active. 
  • Created a comprehensive database of all the major trekking, mountaineering and adventure sports organizations and participating members across the state.
  • Created a rapid action task force of mountaineer-volunteers named ‘Emergency Task Force’ after the appeal by the Government of Maharashtra in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis. More than 2000 skilled mountaineer- volunteers have been associated with the task force. Most of them have been engaged in several supporting activities to the administration, the Police force, and other government machineries since the inception.
  • Incessantly promoting the adventure sports curriculum in schools and colleges across Maharashtra. Keenly working with responsible stake holders of education department to inculcate adventure sports as a part of pathbreaking National Education Policy 2020
  • AMGM members are integral part of selection committees of State level, Government sponsored Adventure Sports Awards. They help government bodies to encourage the young talent from the state by awarding them with appropriate accolades.
  • Continuously keeping in touch with Government of Maharashtra to form, update and regulate the policy on adventure activities in Maharashtra.

Memories at a glance

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